Medical abortion is also called non-surgical abortion and it is one of the alternatives for women to end their unwanted pregnancy at early-stage. Women can end a pregnancy with abortion if the pregnancy is within 8 weeks (56 days). A combination of 2 pills is recommended for successful results. The pills are Mifepristone and Misoprostol. At abortionprivacy, we recommend abortion pills based on the pregnancy period and type. We also have fast delivery, overnight shipping, so that you can buy abortion pills online and get it delivered to your doorstep.
Yes. Abortionprivacy needs a valid prescription letter while buying abortion pills from our website. You can go through our prescription policy for more details.
Abortion pills show effects depending on the condition of pregnancy. The result can be seen within 3-4 days, however, you are advised to get a follow-up checkup done after 14-15 days.
Yes. health issues such as liver, heart, kidney problems, bleeding problems, allergic reactions, are taken into consideration.
Yes, there are few side effects such as diarrhea, chest pain, mild fever, excessive bleeding depending upon the conditions.